31 January 2011

Sad Face

The title of this post refers to my inner sadness while my outfit pictures are actually cold face, since we're rocking out a whole 5 degrees today.  What gives me sad face is this:

A giant winter storm standing between me and the AWP Creative Writing conference in DC. I'm supposed to leave Wednesday evening and it kind of looks like that might not happen.

Meanwhile, back here in the cold, I dashed outside for a quick photo today.  Notice the slightly blue hands and face. Also, I think I'm holding my breath in these shots. I'm not sure how all those other bloggers can stand to frolic in the snow and cold. 

Also, this is my hair in its native state.  When I straighten it, this is what it fights to get back to, a wavy, puffy, frizzy disaster.  At times like this, I just need to remind myself that this is a trait that I get from my father. Whenever I have a new hairstylist, there is always exclamations over how thick my hair is and my response is that it's my father's fault.  That and the curly eyebrows.

Outfit consists of:
Sweater: gray cardigan found at Gap Outlet
Shirt: white cotton tank found at Goodwill
Necklace: 1940s book necklace found at Jean Jean Vintage { more great lockets here and here }
Belt: clear and black belt found at Last Chance
Skirt: vintage skirt by Massimo found at Call Me Chula { more vintage yellow plaid skirts here at The Bea Project and here at Cappywanna Vintage }
Tights: gray sweater tights found at JC Penny
Boots: black Nine West boots found at TJ Maxx


Maria Casteel said...

i love that skirt! and necklace. you look beautiful!

Wildfell Hall Vintage said...

from one frizzy haired girl to another: love your hair, it's lovely, now get back inside where it's warm! p.s. hope you get to the conference...

Karen/Small Earth Vintage said...

Cute cute cute! I love the gray and yellow combo.

I have very thick hair, too, that has gotten wavier (I blame the grays) as I've gotten older. Whenever I get a haircut, even just a trim, the stylist cannot believe the amount of hair that ends up on floor.