23 June 2010

Sneak Preview: Today's Excursion

Do you hear me cackling with glee? Because I am, and maybe some mad scientist finger tapping as well.
Today I went on a shopping excursion with my mom. We went to a new place today and did some shopping before stopping for a cup of tea. Re-energized, we tackled a few more stops before heading home.

Here's a sneak peak at what I got and they'll be in the shop shortly.  Sorry for the fuzzy nature of these photos, but the lighting wasn't the best by the time I got home. 

The one that makes me giggle the most with glee? The monkey slip just above here. 


Erika Kane said...

Love them! Can't wait to see them up on Etsy!

Aimée - Vint Condition said...

One of the sad things about selling vintage is I can't keep them all. How perfectly me is that strawberry pink one??

Erika Kane said...

It would be perfect!